This morning, I had a friend take me out for breakfast. Afterwards, we went by the library, but failed to realize it was thirty minutes before their 9am opening time. My friend had to leave, so.. he left me at the back door, and took off.
This isn't me.. but it sorta portrays my feelings. It was cold and rainy. I had a young guy waiting with me, so at least I had some conversation to keep me distracted from the cold shivers that the damp, wet weather was giving me.
Ya know? Everything is really based on our perspective. The other day my former pastor was talking about being from Buffalo, NY.. and how he didn't miss the enormous snow storms that they experienced up there. I cannot even begin to imagine how cold it gets there during the winters.
Our experiences, both good and bad, are colored by our perspectives. Even the question of what is good and bad (to us), is it not placed in better perspective when we meet or hear of someone who is experiencing better or worse than we are? When we are low, and we hear of someone who is better, it worsens our feelings of the bad. When we see someone who is experiencing worse, it balances our attitude about just how bad we have it. Conversely, when we are high, and we hear of someone who is worse, it causes us to realize how very blessed we really are.
Twenty minutes, in the cold rain.. aaah.. not too bad. And I didn't even get wet! I was partly sheltered under the eave of the doorway.