I ate lunch today at one of my favorite places, Romano's. My best friend Ruth and I go there occasionally to eat lunch. It's probably her all-time favorite restaurant.
We had spaghetti and pizza today. Their pizza is fantastic and the slices are huge. Their Friday special is two slices of pizza and a drink for $6.95. You may say, "Just two slices of pizza?" Yeah, but their TWO SLICES is like a whole pizza. I sorta wish that I'd taken the picture BEFORE I started eating, but then I was pretty hungry today. So one-and-a-half slices were gone before the thought occurred to me to document our lunch.
Here's what my friend had : spaghetti. She loves the spaghetti and also the baked ziti and chicken parmesan. I highly recommend this place to anyone living in the Salisbury, NC area, or when passing through. We are on I-85 between Washington, D.C. and Atlanta, halfway between Charlotte and Greensboro.
If you love Italian food, this is the place!
This morning, I'm taking a refresher course in "Blogging for Beginners",
offered at my local public library. I took the course originally back
in June 2013, and it resulted in this blog being created! I'm
extremely grateful to the library and to the librarian that began
teaching this course. It's opened a brand new world to me.. the world of Blogging !
We are studying :
- What is a Blog?
- Types of Blogs
- FREE Blog Creation Sites
- Writing Your Blog
- Promoting Your Blog
I'm learning so much and hoping to benefit from it by making my blog even better !
Okay.. here we go again.. as if.. these photos are cropping up all of the time.. from nowhere.. I don't know.. but then again, I wouldn't have to share them.. but I ultimately do. I don't care. Hey.. I can't look any worse now than I did then.. right ?
This photo of me was taken around 1973 (I was 18.. I look about 12!) in the lobby of my school in Hollywood Beach, Florida.
It was a great time for me.. but evidently, I was studying theology and not FASHION.. What a tie.. right? lol.. ha ha!